Remote Energy Healing with The Harmonic Egg
The Harmonic Egg is an energy healing modality, which means that it also works at a distance. Energy does not have time or space boundaries, so you can be sitting in the comfort of your own home and receive the benefits of this powerful healing energy. Remote sessions are sometimes compared to how prayers work or even group meditations.
Of course the experience of being inside the Egg, surrounded by beautiful colored light and music is much more powerful. But in a pinch or when you can’t access the Egg in person, remote sessions are still very powerful.
For more information, watch the short video below that was created by the inventor of The Harmonic Egg, Gail Lynn.
All we need from you when you book your session is a photo of you, which we put inside the Egg, your birth name and your birth date. We will also do a short phone call with you to find out what you want to focus on for your session.
When it’s time for your session, we hold the space for your intention, based on our phone call. We put your photo and information into the Egg during your scheduled appointment time.
YOU commit to being in a safe, quiet place during that time to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for your own healing and intention that was set.
We follow up with you the following day to see if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact us to share any feedback about your session or ask questions prior to our follow up call/email
Just like an in-person Harmonic Egg Session, you’ll want to drink plenty of water to flush and help with detoxing and resetting the body. We also recommend eating lighter portions and more fruits and veggies for a few days. Avoid heavy meals, cream sauces, fried foods, and too much refined sugar.
Suggested to do distance healing / remote sessions every 4-7 days. If you are under a lot of stress, or have a chronic conditions the sessions will not hold as long we recommended every 4-5 days to do a session.
If you are trying to increase your well-being from your current level of wellness we recommend sessions every 5-7 days.
If you are doing maintenance for your current level of wellness we recommend once a month.
All we need from you when you book your session is the name of your pet, a photo of your pet, and your intention for the session. If you need help with your intention for your pet, we will be happy to talk by phone before the session.
For pet sessions, we ask that you commit to being with them in a safe, quite place during that time, to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for their healing and intention that was set.
Your pet may drink more water after the session so be sure to provide plenty of water